What’s jesscombs.com all about, anyway?

I’m sure your wondering what you can expect from jesscombs.com.  Okay, you’re probably not, but I’m going to tell you anyway.  😛

First, let me tell you a little about me…

My name is Jess Combs.  I’m 35 and I have two daughters.  My oldest is 15 and my youngest is 10.  I love reading, writing, running, knitting, and gaming.  I’ve been a stay at home mom since this past May and I’m loving it!  In the past, I’ve been a legal secretary, a paralegal, and a phlebotomist.  In addition to my current job as a professional mommy, I’m working on finishing my first novel.

So what can you expect posts to be about on jesscombs.com?

You can definitely expect to read on the ups and downs of my writing pursuits.  Where am I on the road to being published, what I’m learning along the way, and hopefully some insights from others with much more experience than myself.  🙂

Since I am that rare species known as “gamer-mom.”  You can probably expect to read a little about gaming on occasion.  (Don’t know what a gamer mom is?  Gamer moms not only know what an MMORPG is, but so do our children.  We balance guild leader with mother.  We plan raids/dungeons for the weekends (and after homework is checked and done).  We tuck our kids in and become assassins in Assassin’s Creed.  We know when the new game and/or expansion is coming out before our kids do.)

I’ll also occasionally post about my latest adventures in running, my knitting projects (currently a ginormous TARDIS afghan), and reviews on what I’ve been reading.

So that’s a little about me and jesscombs.com (also me).  Any questions, feel free to reply to this post or contact me at jessica@jesscombs.com.

Thanks for reading!  🙂

22 thoughts on “What’s jesscombs.com all about, anyway?

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  1. A Tardis afghan sounds cool! Please post a pic if you get a chance. (I finished not just one but TWO
    Dr. Who scarves last year – and will probably never do it again!)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I was wondering where your like button is, I’d love to say that I like your blog, but I can’t find the like button. Also my wife Hayley is a knitter as well. You could even follow her at cottagechickknits.com. Its WordPress!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Actually, I’m sure. I know that there’s a like button at the end of my posts, but I’m not sure how to include a like button for my entire blog. I’ll have to figure that out! Also, going to check out your wife’s blog now. Thanks 🙂


  3. My husband and I are both huge gamers. He and I actually met through World of Warcraft if you can believe it 😛 Your blog sounds like it will be a lot of fun to read, and btw go gamer mom! Your description of it was killing me, but in the best and most hilarious way because I understood every word but I was picturing all the people who were probably thought they were reading Chinese for that paragraph XD

    Best of luck with your book! I look forward to reading more from you 🙂

    ❤ and harp strings,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! I cracked up reading this… sometimes I forget not everyone knows what I’m talking about!
      We were on WoW for a REALLY long time. I can definitely believe you guys met through the game! 🙂 I started in… ’06 or ’07? Been on and off WoW for the last couple of years though. Everytime I think I’m done, they come out with an expansion and we all get sucked back in (my husband and daughters all play too). We’ve been trying out Guild Wars 2 for the last couple of months, gonna see how the expansion goes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I started playing back in December of ’05 (it and high school were not a good mix… lol). I haven’t had much time for WoW as of late but it draws me back in all the time, so I’m sure after the next expansion is announced tomorrow I’ll be pre-ordering it lol For now though my time is being consumed by Heroes of the Storm. That game is just so dang fun!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I feel as if I’m the only person who has NOT played Heroes of the Storm yet! Which is sad… because I was the first one saying “Dude, we have GOT to be the first to try this.” So basically, in my circle of friends, I’m the only one who didn’t listen to me, lol

        Liked by 1 person

      3. lmao! You’re missing out, it’s so fun 🙂 It can completely enrage you at points though because you get the normal a-holes who blame you for the sky falling and their poor skills, but beyond that it’s really fun! I’m also enjoying Hearthstone too, and Borderlands: The PreSequel and The Sims 4. Gosh I need more time though… So many games to play but there’s just not enough hours in the day! 😦


  4. Seems we have a lot of common subject matter – writing, running, parenting, gaming…might need to work on my knitting though 🙂 Am enjoying reading through your blog today – going to be lots for me to like here I suspect! Cheers, Nik

    Liked by 1 person

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