Marrow Charm – BBNYA Blog Tour!!!

It’s my first blog tour review of 2021 and I’m so excited it’s for Marrow Charm by Kristin Jacques! I absolutely loved this book!!!!

This story had so much going on – and ended with so much going on – that I don’t even know where to start!!! See, Marrow Charm follows Azzy on her quest to…

No, wait. SO first her brother has magic and he…

Umm, well… before that there’s this wolf who’s kinda but not really a wolf and…


Sorry about that. Let me just take a breathe and try to start this over, okay?

So we meet Azzy living her life (mostly) in her underground city known as the Heap. It’s not a great place to live, but it’s one of the few safe places left for humans and she’s happy enough. She has her brother, Armin, and her guardian, Brixby. But her brother is slowly being tainted.

By what you ask???

Yep. In this world, magic changes you (usually… I mean, mostly…. I mean, sometimes? Okay, I’m still not sure how it works, but not everyone can handle it or something?). You lose who you are – your memories, your personality – your humanness basically melts away and, from what I can tell, you may not turn evil, but you can. So Azzy and Brixby are terrified for Armin to give in to the magic growing within him, and that’s where everything jumps off. (Unless you wanna unpack Azzy’s backstory… which, WHOA!)

When Armin saves Azzy, his magic is fully triggered and he’s banished from the underground city to the Above. Brixby and Azzy leave the Heap to help her brother, but things don’t go as planned (do they ever?). When Brixby and Azzy find Armin, they still can’t get to him. Azzy is separated even further not just from her brother, but Brixby as well. And while the underground she came from was a scary, dark and all-around unsafe place, the Above is even worse!

I loved the magic, the characters, the journey through the world, the world itself… just EVERYTHING about this story! If you love dark fantasy, then I definitely recommend picking it up as soon as possible!!!

I received this book to read and give an unbiased and honest review as part of the BBNYA tours organized by The Write Reads tours team. If you are an author and wish to learn more about the 2021 BBNYA competition, you can visit the official website ( or our Twitter account, @BBNYA_Official. If you would like to sign-up and enter your book, you can find the BBNYA 2021 AUTHOR SIGN UP FORM HERE. Please make sure to carefully read our terms and conditions before entering. BBNYA is brought to you in association with the Folio Society (If you love beautiful books you NEED to check out their website!) And the book blogger support group TheWriteReads.

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