NaNoWriMo Prep Starts… NOW!!!

It’s October.  And that can only mean one thing…


It’s NaNoWriMo Prep Time!!!

This will be my first time participating, and I am super excited about!  I’m also super nervous.

I really don’t want to write a “Well, guys, I failed” post.  So I’m asking for all of your support!

I’ll try not to drive everyone crazy or turn this into some sort of Facebook “Hey guys, look at me!” thing.  But I will update at least once a week with what I’ve been up to.  There won’t be a LOT going on in October, but there are some things I need to do in order to prep.

(Oh wait…  I have a blog.  I’m not sure, but I think the definition of blog is “Hey guys, look at me.”  I’ll have to check Webster’s later!)

First off…  I’m not really a planner.  I have a general idea of what my novel is going to be about.  I know how it will start, and I know where I want to end up.  But that’s about it…  I know the players, but I don’t know their names.

If I’m going to puke out a novel in 30 days though, I’m probably gonna have to do a little planning…  so that sucks.

Over the next week, I’m going to work on my characters.  If all goes according to plan, then by next Friday I will have names, backgrounds, flaws, and attributes to share with all of you.

I already mentioned I haven’t done this before.  But, I have been visiting blogs of others who have, in order to get some support and an idea of what the heck I should be doing to get ready for this craziness!!!

One helped me to discover that there are NaNoWriMo Songs!  This is one is really funny!  (hehe… if it’s stuck in my head, it must be in your too!  *evil laugh*)

Here are a few of the blogs I’ve found with helpful NaNoWriMo posts:

  1. La duchesse d’Erat (Great articles and it’s where I found the links to above songs)
  2. Wright Words
  3. Adventures in Writing
  4. Raychel Rose (Bunch of great links on this site!)

Are you doing NaNoWriMo this year?  I’m all signed up, but kinda lonely.  I don’t have any buddies!  So take pity on me…  find me on the NaNo site and add me as a writing buddy.  I’m super creative and stuff, so my username is jessmcombs.  (No, I don’t have a picture yet.  I”ll get on that sometime today though!)

If you want to learn more about NaNoWrimo, visit the site here:

Thanks in advance for the support guys!  You’re awesome and I love my blogging buds!  🙂

19 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo Prep Starts… NOW!!!

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  1. I’m doing it! – unofficially, that is. I haven’t signed up yet and I think my personal goal will be smaller than the standard 50,000 words. As well as planning I’m attempting Inktober as well (an ink drawing a day) so it will be tough, especially since all my school assessments are within the next week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!!! What your word goal? I’ve talked to a couple of other people who signed up even though their goal was 20,000 and 25,000. You’ll have to keep me posted on your progress!! Good luck with Inktober! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. For the past three years (ever since I heard of NaNoWriMo!) I think about trying it! And every year I chicken out! Same thing, this year. Can’t take the pressure of trying to do a novel in a month! So, I will eagerly await your updates and happily cheer you on! Best of luck! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks! 🙂 Maybe if I accomplish it this year, you’ll try it in 2016? If I can get it done, anyone should be able to! With the girls being out of school so much in November and Thanksgiving… I’m starting to psych myself out of it. That’s why I wanted to make sure I got it out here, so I would have others to keep me accountable and give me a kick in the pants if I fall behind lol

      Liked by 2 people

  3. You should really check out the NaNoMusical if you haven’t already. (I’d post the link, but WordPress might flag me as spam. A simple search should turn it up easily.) It’s brilliant, really!

    I added you as a writing buddy (I’m Ruthlyn on that site). Good luck on your first NaNo!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome! I’m a huge fan of the musical and the people who made it. One of the people involved (the guy who plays Rick) does a daily webcomic during November too, called NaNoToons. He usually starts in October, in fact, so you could keep your eye out for that too.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I will give you occasional unkind words and a lot of positive energy 🙂 lol

    I am glad now I know 2-3 fellow bloggers who are participating.

    National–does it mean only people living in USA participate.

    I can try my hands next year if I am lucky enough to be around–but what will I do with that? Is the big question LOL 😀

    Love and light ❤

    Anand 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m glad you found my posts on NaNo helpful over on Wright Words. I added you as a writing buddy (you should recognize my profile picture). Welcome to the craziness that is NaNoWriMo! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

    Liked by 1 person

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