About Me

Welcome to my online home!

My name is Jess Combs and you’ve discovered my online home, Combing Through the Pages.  I’m married to amazing man, known in these pages simply as “husband” and have two daughters, who we’ll call “Thing 1” and “Thing 2”.  I love reading, writing,  knitting, and playing with my babies. I’m also a foster mom.

So, what can you expect to find here when you visit?

Combing Through the Pages is mostly dedicated to reviews of the books I’ve read lately, but you’ll also find posts about my family, fostering, what I’m currently writing, my latest knitting attempts, and whatever else randomly pops into my head!

Because my reading tastes vary widely, you’ll find I post about books from many different categories. Everything ranging from children’s stories to the random books my middle schooler feels EVERYONE should be reading to my latest pick in fantasy, science fiction, mystery, drama drama drama (my own category rank), to women’s and literary fiction…  I’ll basically read anything with characters that make me feel as if I know them and we’re going on a journey together. (I often talk about characters from my favorite books as if they live next door.)

I love connecting with readers, authors, and other bloggers, so don’t hesitate to send me a message through the contact me page, or e-mail me at jessica@jesscombs.com.  Aso, be sure to follow me on Twitter and/or Facebook!

To submit a review request, please see my Review Disclosure Policy page first. If your request complies with those policies, you can send your request to ReviewRequest@jesscombs.com.

Thanks for visiting! 🙂



23 thoughts on “About Me

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  1. So, Jess, I was reading around your blog last night. Pretty cool. 2 questions- first, what does your tardis blanket look like-sounds intriguing. And second, how the heck do you manage 2 kids 2 digs, hubby and 2 careers? Amazing, lady.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL… Not really amazing. The TARDIS blanket is just starting. I’m going to try to post pics soon. (I keep getting distracted by a sweater, lol) I do my writing while the kids are in school. The dogs sleep a lot (except for when it storms) and my husband works nights so he sleeps during the day. My normal day goes something like this: drop off the youngest at school, hang out with hubby before he goes to sleep, do the housework and/or grocery shopping, then write til its time for pick up from school. The rest is dinner and homework and packing lunch before I wake him up for work. Then I hang out with the girls until its bedtime.

      Liked by 1 person

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